Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Basic Commands in SQL for Beginner - Step by Step Guide

Hello Friends,

Today I will discuss some very important SQL Commands on Basic Level. These commands are very common and useful in everyday office work if you are using SQL. So, I am sharing different types of commands with syntax.

Basically SQL is a Structured Query Language or you can say Standard Language for accessing and manipulating database.

What we can do with SQL Commands?

·         We can execute queries against a database
·         We can retrieve, insert, update and delete data or records from a database
·         We can create new databases
·         We can create new table in a database
·         We can create stored procedure in a database
·         We can create views in a database
·         We can set permissions on tables, procedures and views

Select Query

We use select query to retrieve selected columns or data from tables stored in a database.

Select column_name from table_name

Distinct Query

This query is used to select unique records on selected column from a table. We can also select all unique data from a table.

Select distinct column_name from table_name

Select distinct * from table_name

Where Query

This query is used to select data, column on condition.

Select column_name from table_name where condition

AND/OR Condition

We use AND/OR when we want two conditions in Where Query. AND is used when we want both conditions true. OR is used when we want any condition is true.

Select column_name from table_name where condition_1 AND/OR condition_2

Create Table Query

We use this query to create a new table in database. We give table name and column names based on our requirement.

Create table table_name (
       column_name_1 column_datatype (constraint),
       column_name_2 column_datatype (constraint)

Insert Query 1

This query is used to insert records manually in an existing table.

Insert into table_name (column_name_1, column_name_2, )
values ('value1', 'value2', )

Insert Query 2

This query is used to insert records from one table to another table in a database.

Insert into table_name_1 (column_name_1, column_name_2)
Select  column_name_3, column_name_4 from table_name_2

Select Date Query

This query is used to select current date and time from system in which SQL in installed.

Select Getdate () --- Select Current system date with time
Select Curdate ()  --- Select Current system date
Select Curtime ()  --- Select Current system time

Update Query

This query is used to update existing records in a database tables. You can also update using criteria.

Update table_name set column_name = 'new_value' where condition

Delete Query

This query is used to delete records from existing table in a database. You can delete all records and selected records based on conditions.

Delete from table_name where condition

Drop Query

This query is used to delete a table from database. This will delete table permanently.

Drop table table_name

Truncate Query

This query is used to delete all records in a table. Means this query will make the table empty.

Truncate table table_name

Alter Table Query

Alter queries basically used to change the structure of existing tables like changing variable, renaming column, remove column, addition of column etc.

Add column in a table

Alter table table_name add column_name datatype

Alter of modify column

Alter table table_name alter column column_name new_datatype

Rename column

Alter table table_name rename column column_name_old to column_name_new

Drop column

Alter table table_name drop column column_name


Index can be created on Tables for faster execution of query or to fetch records faster.
There are two types of Index in SQL:
1.      1. Unique Index
2.      2. Non-Clustered Index

Create Index

This query is used to create Index on columns in a table. This syntax will create Non-Clustered index by default.

Create index index_name on table_name (column_name1, column_name2)

Create Unique Index

This query is used to create Index on columns in a table where records are unique.

Create unique index index_name on table_name (column_name1, column_name2)


Add Index

This query is used to add index on a table.

Alter table table_name add index index_name

Drop Index

This query is used to delete or drop existing index from a table.

Alter table table_name drop index index_name

Add Constraint

This query is used to add criteria or condition in records on a table

Alter table table_name add constraint_name constraint_type constraint_condition

Drop Constraints

This query is used to delete or drop existing constraints from a table.

Alter table table_name drop constraint_name

Copy table structure into new one

This query is used to copy structure of an existing table into other table. This will copy all column structure. So there are different syntax to do this task.

1.     Select top 0 * into new_table_name from old_table_name

2.     Select * into new_table_name from old_table_name where 1=2

3.     Create table new_table_name as select * from old_table_name where 0=1

Copy table structure into new one for selected columns

If you want to copy few column from an existing table then use this query.

Select top 0 column_name1, column_name2, column_name3 into new_table_name from old_table_name

Copy structure with data into new one

This query will copy structure and all data from an existing table into new table. You can write this query in different ways.

1.     Select * into new_table_name from old_table_name

2.     Select * into new_table_name from old_table_name where 1=1

3.     Create table new_table_name as select * from old_table_name

Copy data into an existing table

This query will copy all data in an existing table from another existing table but the structure of both table should be same.

Insert into new_table_name select * from old_table_name

Copy table from other database

If you want to copy a table from another existing database then run this query.

Select * from into new_table_name from database_name.old_table_name

Functions in SQL

There are many different functions in SQL. Like to find max, min, first, count etc. These functions are very useful for criteria based data and for QA.

Max Function

This function is used in the query to get maximum value in a particular column. Like maximum salary etc.

Select max(column_name) from table_name where condition

Min Function

This function is used in the query to get minimum value in a particular column. Like minimum salary etc.

Select min(column_name) from table_name where condition

Average Function

This function is used in the query to get average value of a particular column. Like average salary etc.

Select avg(column_name) from table_name where condition

Sum Function

This function is used in the query to get sum value of a particular column. Like sum of salary amount etc.

Select sum(column_name) from table_name where condition

Count Function

This function is used in the query to get count of rows or data of a particular column. Like you want to get the count of total employees or you want to get employees count under salary 50000 etc.

Select count(column_name) from table_name where condition

Average Function

This function is used in the query to get average number of a particular column based on criteria. Like you want to get the average salary in a specific department then you can use this function.

Select avg(column_name) from table_name where condition

Sum Function

This function is used in the query to get sum or total of column based on criteria. For example, you want to get total salary give to a particular department’s employees.

Select sum(column_name) from table_name where condition

Like Function

This function is used in the query to get similar data to a string or name from a particular column. Like you want to fetch all records where employee name is “kumar”.
So it will search all records whose name contains kumar. And there are some wildcards (criteria) to refine your search result.

Select column_name from table_name where column_name like '%kumar%'

Wildcards in Like Function

a% - Select all the records where column value start with a.
%a – Select all the records where column value end with a.
%kumar% - Select all the records whose name contains kumar.
a_%_% - Select all the records where column value start with a and total length is 3 character.
a%w – Select all the records where column value start with a and end with w.

In Function

This function is used in the query to enter multiple criteria values or clause within a column.

Select column_name from table_name where column_name in ('value1', 'value2')

Select column_name from table_name where column_name in (Select column_name from table_name) -- combined two table result

Between Function

This function is used in the query to get data between a range. Like from particular date to another date, selecting salary data in salary range etc.

Select column_name from table_name where column_name between 'value1' and 'value2'

Order By Function

This function is used in the query to show results in ascending or descending order. By default it takes ascending order but if you want to show result in descending order then use desc in the query.

Select column_name from table_name where condition order by column_name [asc/desc]

Group By Function

This function is used in the query when we use aggregate function in select query. And aggregate functions are Max, Min, Count, Average, Sum etc.

Select column_name1, sum(column_name2) from table_name group by column_name1

Union All Function

This function is used in the query to get the result from two or more tables. But the column names in both tables should be same.

Select column_name1, column_name2, column_name3 from table_name1

Union all

Select column_name1, column_name2, column_name3 from table_name2

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